Task | Field Location | Storage Location | Key |
Cones along the sidelines | 5m in (U10s & 11s only) | Green storage container | Key #1 |
Rope off the park | Ensure 5m back from side lines | Green storage container | Key #1 |
Attached 4 post pads | Each goal ends | Seniors room | P2 Key |
Set 4 corner flags | 5m in (U10s & 11s only) | Green storage container | Key #1 |
Line markings | At 22m line & halfway | Green storage container | Key #1 |
Gazebo/s | Halfway line if only 1 available 15 m gap between teams if 2 available | Under Club House | P2 Key |
Advertiser flags | Around the ground | Green storage container | Key #1 |
First aid kit + ice + table | Under gazebo home team’s gazebo if only one available | Door for ice will be opened 1st aid kit with canteen staff Table in green storage | Key #1 |
Chairs | 2 under gazebo 5 x home & 5 x away teams | In Club House, with canteen staff | NA |
Scoreboard Controller | With a parent/ground marshal around the ground | In Club House, with canteen staff | NA |
Traffic barricades | Across walkway from field to club House | Green storage container | Key #1 |
BBQ Open A Frame | Across walkway from field to club House | Green storage container | Key #1 |
Slow down traffic A Frame | Across walkway from field to club House | Green storage container | Key #1 |
Red Council Bins | 4 bins placed around the ground | Near Club House entrance | NA |
Open Ambulance Vehicle Access | Opposite houses on Burke St | NA | P2 Key |
•Coach – Introduce yourself to referee, 1st aider, away teams coach & assistant referee
•Ground Marshall – from home & away team to walk the grounds to ensure spectators are upholding rugby values •Canteen Volunteers – ensure that you turn up at your allocated time, to ensure all parents can watch their game •Vests – Coach, Assistant Referee, Ground Marshal & 1st Aider is to wear a vest
•Everyone else to remain behind the roped area, Ground Marshall to monitor this