Libbo Cup


Sunday 21st March 2021

The Libbo Cup, named after Steve Lidbury, a Wallaby with connections to both clubs is the annual derby between Mosman and Newport junior teams (U10s-U15s) and is on again March 21st 2021.

Libbo cup v Mosman this year will be the same format as the teams will play during the season

In most age groups numbers will match up. Between now and the day Jimmy will coordinate with age managers to make sure the day runs smoothly and we match up numbers and grades.

Here’s the Schedule and Kick Off times

Kick Off TimeAge GroupFormatField Size
09:00U107*15 min halvesfull field, sidelines in
10:45U134*20 min gamesfull field
12:20Lunch break full field
1:30U142*25 min gamesfull field
3PMU154*25 min gamesfull field
  • Referees being assigned in Rugby Xplorer
  • First Aid arranged
  • BBQ arranged
  • We have an hour gap at lunch owing to the girls no longer playing
  • We cannot move up the u14/15s owing to conflicts with games playing in morning.

Special Rules for U10s

  • Drop Goals
  • No Pushing In Scrums
  • Uncontested Line Outs
  • Balanced Teams – Ungraded
  • No Conversions
  • Penalties – No Kick for Goal or Scrum. Kick for touch, territory or Tap and Go
  • 6*15 min games,– run them hard
  • 12 -a-side tackle
  • With some discretion by coaches, scorers of runaway tries are subbed off, and are eligible to go back on at the next game
  • Ungraded/Balanced. We will do some mix and match a
  • Warm up available from 08:30 – Mosman is Beach End of the field
  • We will have Refs. Both Clubs to provide an AR (run a sideline) and a Ground Marshal ( so each club keep s an eye on their parents)
  • Wet Plan – Will call by 07:30 on Whatsapp

Warm Up

u10  all on field
;Mosman east /beach  end
Newport Westend /club house  end 


  • Has a ref has been organised ? Yes, the SJRC is providing one
  • Will the canteen be open for food and drink. Yes – The canteen will be open with BBQ and a fridge full of sugary goodness
  • What’s with parking? The ground can get jammed real fast on big days like this. Best idea is to park at the beach across the road where there is tons of parking.
  • Each Side needs to provide a registered Assistant Ref to run the sidelines
  • Home Side to provide a ground marshall.
For community sporting activities that involve more than 100 participants, the organiser must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan for community sporting competitions and full training activities.
Participants include players, people who are training, officials and spectators.
More than one parent may attend community sporting activities if physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres can be maintained between people that are not from the same household.
The maximum number of participants at a community sporting activity is 3000 people, or one person per 2 square metres (whichever is less).
Record keeping for attendees must take place for all community sporting activities of more than 100 people where this is practical.
Please be prepared for changes to this plan